The Merrill Lion’s Club
The Merrill Lion’s Club has proudly hosted the Klamath Basin Potato Festival for 87 years. We donate our time to the Annual Merrill Crab Feed and numerous youth or community events. We believe in our Klamath Basin Community and the power of giving.
Please join us for our monthly meetings. If interested in becoming a Lion, contact one of our many members or fill out our membership form.
Membership Form
Our current officer team is:
President – Barabara Dehlinger
Vice President – Jon Ongman
2nd Vice President – Vickie Liskey
Secretary – Diane Ongman
Treasurer – Jolene Robison
Tail Twister – Courtney Talbot
Tail Tamer – Sherry Parnell
Community Development Coordinator – Rhonda Nyseth
The Merrill Lion’s Club has committed to our community. We offer sponsorship awards to our community. These awards can include monetary sponsorships, voluntarism, or other sponsorships. Financial sponsorships are based on the fiscal year’s budget. Please see the below form for more information. We are encouraged to present our activity or event at our club meetings.
Merrill Lion’s Club Sponsor Form
Kindness in Action
When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves, and take action to make improving their community a beautiful thing—an incurable feeling for everyone involved. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships, and improving the world through kindness. It’s 1.4 million caring men and women serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change more lives.
On a Mission to Serve
Lions serve. It’s that simple, and it has been since we began in 1917. Our clubs are places where individuals join to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities and the world.

Lions Clubs International - Wikipedia